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Parshas Ki Seitzei 5783

Torah Tavlin

Minhagim and Customs of the Yamim Noraim (3)

YAKNHAZ(L) Havdalah. As the New Year approaches, we will have three Yom Tov Sheini days falling out right after Shabbos, when we make Havdalah to escort out the Shabbos as well as Kiddush for the incoming Yom Tov day, containing five berachos. On the second night of Sukkos, we have a sixth beracha, Leisheiv B’Sukkah. If one got mixed up and said them in the wrong order he is still yotzei. There is an exception to this. If he said the beracha of Kiddush before the beracha on the wine, he is not yotzei because he has followed the opinion of Beis Shamai over the opinion of Beis Hillel in the Gemara (1).

Hamavdil Bein Kodesh Lakodesh. In the Havdalah beracha, (the fourth one), we conclude with the words “Hamavdil Bein Kodesh Lakodesh,” since we now enter the next holy day of Yom Tov. If one made a mistake and said “Hamavdil Bein Kodesh Lechol” like we say all year, it is invalid unless he corrects himself immediately [starting his correction toch k’dei dibbur]. He must repeat this beracha, but not the one on the wine since there is a safek whether that beracha is also invalidated (2). On these second nights of Yom Tov, as soon as Shabbos is over, the ladies should be told that they may not do any Yom Tov melochos until they say “Boruch Hamavdil Bein Kodesh Lakodesh” or "ותודיענו" in the Maariv Shemona Esrei.

The Paradox. In this Kiddush/Havdalah ceremony there are some potential contradictions in halacha and minhagim. Kiddush can be made on Challos when there is no wine, while Havdalah cannot. What about YAKNHAZ? Ladies don’t usually make Havdalah or drink from the wine, but by Kiddush they do. So what about YAKNHAZ? Based on the Mechaber (3) who rules that Challos are valid for YAKNHAZ, since the Havdalah becomes secondary (טפל) to the Kiddush, we apply all the laws of Kiddush to YAKNHAZ and ladies can drink the wine after Kiddush from the kos. This idea is well discussed in the Poskim (4). According to this psak, when it comes to the various customs of standing or sitting by the night-time Kiddush, one should do by YAKNHAZ as he or she does by Kiddush.

(1) פסחים קיד., עיין שו"ע הרב תעג:ו (2) עי' שמירת שבת כהלכתו סב:מז, שבט הלוי ח:קיח (3) שו"ע או"ח רצו:ב (4) שו"ת באר משה ו:קלו, שמירת שבת כהלכתו סב:כז


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