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Torah Tavlin

Parshas Eikev 5784

R’ Shmuel Hominer zt”l (Olas Tamid) would say:

“The pasuk says: 'ואת אתתיו ואת מעשיו אשר עשה בתוך מצרים לפרעה מלך מצרים ולכל ארצו' - One must concentrate intently when thanking Hashem for redeeming him from slavery. To fulfill this mitzvah, one should imagine himself slaving with bricks and mortar, with no hope of escape, if not for the fact that Hashem performed wonders and miracles and took us from a state of mourning to a state of Yom Tov, from darkness to a great light, and from subjugation to redemption.”

A Wise Man would say:

“A friendship founded on business is better than a business founded on friendship.”


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