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Parshas Vayigash 5785

ויאמר ישראל רב עוד יוסף בני חי אלכה ואראנו בטרם אמות ... (מה-כח)

    There is a famous question that is asked: Assuming that Yosef knew that his father Yaakov was in a state of mourning for his missing son, and must have been distraught, why did Yosef not send some sort of message to him that he was alive and well? As a son who cares for his grieving father, relieving his pain should be uppermost in his mind. Prior to becoming Egypt’s viceroy it was impossible to send such a message, but after he rose to power why then did he still not initiate contact?

One answer given is based on the well known Medrash that at the time of Mechiras Yosef, the brothers made a deal that whoever would tell their father what happened to Yosef would be excommunicated, put into cherem. They even included Hashem in this exclusive pact. Even though Yitzchok Avinu knew the facts, he too, didn’t reveal the truth. Yosef Hatzadik himself grasped the Master Plan and was unable to leak the secret. From this we learn that when we clearly see yad Hashem at work, we mustn’t get involved, so as not to chas v’shalom interfere with His plans.

There are many other answers offered, but I’ll mention one more I saw this year, that can serve as a lesson for all times. R’ Shamshon Raphael Hirsch zt”l writes as follows: Yosef knew that Yaakov was devastated by the loss of his son. He also knew that if Yaakov were to come to the realization that it was caused by kinah and sinah, it would have been that much worse. Because a father would rather think one son is lost, than to live with the knowledge that his progeny “hates” one another to such an extent. Yosef, therefore, waited until the point of reconciliation; until harmony was restored.

This can serve as a life lesson. Our Father in Heaven is also pained when His children are living in discord and disunity amongst themselves. If we wish to bring Hashem, Our Father, true nachas, all ill-will and fighting must immediately cease.

May we be zoche to hear the words "אני ה'" b’karov with the hastening of Moshiach במהרה בימנו אמן.

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