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Parshas Shemos 5785

ה' אלקי אברהם אלקי יצחק ואלקי יעקב שלחני אליכם זה שמי לעלם וזה זכרי לדר דר ... (ג-טו)

    During the dialogue between Hashem Yisborach and Moshe Rabbeinu at the burning bush, which ultimately leads to Moshe’s shlichus to go before Pharaoh and tell him to let the Jewish people go free from Mitzrayim, Hashem tells Moshe to relate to the Yidden that he was sent to them by the G-d of the Avos. And then the posuk continues with the above captioned verse. What are these two elements of "זה שמי" and "זה זכרי"? And why the change from "לעלם" to "לדר דר"?

The Meshech Chochma says the following pshat: The words and connotation of "זה שמי" refer to the zechus of the Avos who proclaimed the manifestation of Hashem’s name in this world. Their merit lasts forever. Thus,"זה שמי" - those zechus Avos are "לעלם" - everlasting. The words "וזה זכרי" refer to the nissim and miraculous events of yetzias Mitzrayim. Many of our mitzvos, even generations later, connect us to that time as we are constantly proclaiming זכר ליציאת מצרים.

However, as we are taught, the miracles that occurred then will pale in comparison to those of ימות המשיח. Hence, it is only "וזה זכרי" - those memories of Mitzrayim are "לדר דר" - for many generations, but not forever.

It is worthy to note that R’ Meir Simcha zt”l quotes Rabbeinu Tam in Maseches Shabbos 55a who expounds on the Gemara there which says that זכות אבות did indeed expire. Tosafos says, though, that although זכות אבות may have expired, the ברית אבות won’t ever be terminated. The obvious question on this is from the first beracha of שמונה עשרה in which we say that Hashem is "זוכר חסדי אבות". Perhaps we can say that although their zechusim may have unfortunately been depleted, the pipeline they created for us through which our supplications can ascend to the heavens, still exists. We are therefore able to say וזוכר because in this case חסדי אבות refers not to their actual merits, but to the avenues they so lovingly paved for us all. May all our tefillos be answered לטובה b’zechusam. נכתב לע"נ האשה החשובה הינדא מרים בת בנימין זאב ע"ה

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