ותרד בת פרעה לרחץ על היאר ... ותרא את התבה בתוך הסוף ותשלח את אמתה ותקחה (ב-ה)
A story is told that R’ Meir Shapiro zt”l was once leading a meeting of a group of askanim discussing matters of pikuach nefesh. Some of the people told R’ Meir that his suggestions were absolutely impossible. R’ Meir looked at the group and asked them, “Tell me, why did Basya bas Pharaoh stick out her arm in the direction of the baby floating in the river? Didn’t she realize it was impossible for her to reach baby Moshe? The Kotzker Rebbe zt”l explains that a person must do anything and everything in his power to save another person even if he thinks his efforts have no possibility of succeeding. If your efforts are sincere, you will be surprised to see that you can accomplish way more than you ever imagined. Basya’s arm became elongated and somehow she retrieved the basket with the baby inside. This applies to us,” concluded R’ Meir. ”We must do everything we can even if we do not really believe that we will be successful. Hashem helps and then anything is possible.”
Rabbi Nochum Stilerman shlita once came to R’ Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l and asked him what he should take upon himself to learn after he retires? The Rosh Yeshivah told him to go home and make a comprehensive plan. So, Rabbi Stilerman decided to humor the Rosh Yeshivah and printed out a 2000 page plan to finish kol haTorah kulah. He brought it to the Rosh Yeshivah (it was three large volumes) and presented it to him. R’ Nosson Tzvi loved it. “Now that’s a plan.” Rabbi Stilerman looked at him and said, “But this is impossible. Hashem should give me a long life, but this plan goes on well into my nineties.”
The Rosh Yeshivah looked at him and said, “Nochum, look at the Mir Yeshiva. Who built it? Me? Could I do such a thing? I am half a cripple.” Then, he took out a paper from his desk with a giant plan to knock down all the stores and shops in the area, and take it over and build the Mir Yeshivah into a giant campus. He said, “Who do you think is going to do this? Me? Of course, it is impossible, but we just have to start. We have to dream, and we have to plan because, in the end, it is all up to Hashem.”