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The Weekly Message

February 17, 2024

Parshas Terumah

Make for Me a Sanctuary …

How about an amazing vort from Parshas Terumah?
    When the Bnei Yisroel left Mitzrayim they were instructed to create a Mishkan - a sanctuary for Hashem so that He will have a place to dwell. Along with the Mishkan they were to fashion the sacred vessels with which Klal Yisroel would use to serve the Almighty.

     The Panim Yafos writes that the entire construction of the Aron alludes to the great forefathers of Klal Yisroel; The two Cheruvim allude to Avraham and Yitzchok. Two times the gematria of 'כרוב'  equals 456, the same gematria as 'אברהם יצחק'.
     The Aron itself alludes to Yaakov, who said, 'מה נורא המקום הזה' - ‘How awesome is this place.’ The letters of 'נורא' are the same as 'ארון'.

The four walls of the Aron represent the twelve tribes, which traveled in a four-sided formation. The two poles for carrying the Aron allude to the two leaders who ‘carried’ the nation - Moshe and Aharon.

     Finally, the 'לוחות הברית' inside the Aron allude to Yosef, who is known as 'שומר הברית' since he was the standard bearer for morality in the face of seduction!" Amazing!

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