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The Weekly Message

January 18, 2025

Parshas Shemos

Why is the bush not being consumed?

     The question Moshe Rabbeinu asks - “Why is the bush not being consumed?” - seems simple and obvious, unremarkable even if it were asked by a small child. What significance for us is there to know that Moshe asked why the thorn bush is not consumed by fire? Let the Torah skip this detail and proceed to what seems most important - that Hashem called out to him from the midst of the fire and spoke to him. 

     R’ Nison Alpert zt"l believes that the Torah’s inclusion of this question teaches an important fundamental of our faith. The nations of the world often consider the continued existence of the Jewish people to be a thorn in their sides. Our enemies have repeatedly sought to annihilate us, to eradicate us from this world. Throughout history, we have literally been set afire, in the course of the Spanish Inquisition, during pogroms, and in concentration camps. Yet, the Jewish people have continued to flourish. Great empires have come and gone and we are still here. It is a miracle that even the nations cannot fail to acknowledge.

     Yet, sadly, many of our own brethren have somehow failed to take notice. They seem to not be following the ways of the Living G-d and appear to be quite distant from Torah. It is not that they have openly and willingly rejected the Torah. How could they? They don’t even know what it is. Without the benefit of a Jewish education, and positive exposure in the home and community to Jews who live a pure, Torah lifestyle, how could they even know what it is that they are missing?

     Still, though, we have to wonder. And to dream. If only they would ask the question whose answer seems so obvious. A simple, basic question that does not demand any great level of prior knowledge - a question which could bring them to see certain simple truths: How is it that the bush has not been consumed? How is it that the Jewish people are still alive, not consumed by the winds of time? What could possibly account for this astounding phenomenon? Of course, it is Hashem!

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