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Parshas Vayigash 5785

Important and Relevant Halachos For Asarah B’Teves

Asarah B’Teves on a Friday. This year, the fast day of Asarah B’Teves, the day that Nevuchadnetzar of Bavel began the siege against Yerushalayim, falls out next Friday. According to our calendar this is the only one of the four fast days that can fall out on a Friday, which brings with it some special halachos.

Tefillos and Krias Hatorah. Both by Shacharis and Mincha on the fast day, we recite Aneinu and read "ויחל", the regular fast day kriah. Extra care should be taken to ensure that Mincha is said well before sunset (shkiah) because the tefillah of Aneinu and the Kriah of V’yechal are not appropriate to be said on Shabbos. If davening was delayed, they may be said even after sunset. During Mincha we don’t say Tachanun or Avinue Malkeinu (1).

Mincha Gedolah on a Taanis. For those who daven Minchah Gedolah [early Minchah], ideally nothing should be said before the prescribed time in each city, including Ashrei and Krias Hatorah. If there is a strong need [i.e. a school davens with their talmidim and has an early Friday dismissal] Minchas Yitzchok (2) rules that they may start davening Mincha after midday (chatzos) as long as Shemona Esrai will be said at the proper time. There might be room to be lenient even without a strong need (3).

Washing for Shabbos. One is permitted to wash for Shabbos with warm water and soap as one does on a regular Friday (4). Haircuts and cutting nails are also permitted.

End of Fast. Even if davening is over before nightfall, everyone must fast till nightfall (צאת הכוכבים). If it’s hard for a lady to wait for her husband to return from shul and make Kiddush, she can make Kiddush herself and eat a K’zayis of mezonos. Even though at the night-time Kiddush we preferably don’t rely on mezonos to be called “Kiddush B’makom Seudah” [Kiddush with a minimal meal], in a time of need like this, one may be lenient.

Coffee or Snack Before Shabbos Meal. Some people cannot go straight from a fast day into a big Shabbos meal. They need a coffee and/or a small snack to proceed after a small wait to wash. The beracha on the wine will exempt the coffee from needing a beracha. Since the whole snack is to enable them to eat the meal properly, it is equivalent to "לפתוח מעיו", which is mentioned in Poskim as part of the meal and doesn’t need a beracha achrona.

(1) משנה ברורה תרב:ג, תרד:ה (2) שו"ת מנחת יצחק ו:נג (3) עיין פוסקים שהביא שם (4) מ"ב תקנ:ו


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