נחמו נחמו עמי יאמר אלקיכם ... (ישעיה מ-א)
“Nachamu Nachamu Ami!” These are the eternal words of Yeshaya HaNavi who declared that Hashem wishes for His children to be comforted even after deserving of and receiving terrible punishments. But while these words are meant as a present comfort in the aftermath of the terrible destruction and pain wrought on Klal Yisroel, it is interesting to note that the Navi made this declaration years before the actual Churban took place.
R’ Tuvia Lesitzin zt”l (Sefer Kerem Tuvia) says that this interesting point is in fact what underscores a fundamental ideal of Judaism. He explains that Chazal teach us that Jews should always try and see the positive in difficult situations and while we do our best, it is by no means an easy feat. Yeshaya HaNavi made this declaration prior to the actual destruction so that when Klal Yisroel will be forced into exile, they will have some vestige of hope to cling to. As they were being bound, shackled and dragged down to Bavel, they already knew that they could rely on Hashem to comfort them and ultimately redeem them.
What is truly amazing is that Yeshaya HaNavi’s timeless message, while it offered Klal Yisroel an assertion of comfort which helped them back then get through the tough times, is still a relevant message of comfort which enables us – thousands of years later – to draw comfort in the knowledge that the coming of Moshiach and the ultimate geula is just around the corner.