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Torah Tavlin

Parshas Toldos 5785

אהבתי אתכם אמר ה' ואמרתם במה אהבתנו ... (מלאכי א-ב)

   Hashem declares that he loves us unequivocally. Such a close relationship with the Creator of the World was never afforded to any other nation - only to Klal Yisroel. To what do we owe this incredible distinction? R’ Shimon Sofer zt”l (Michtav Sofer) says that the simple understanding is that Hashem loves us because we are the only nation worthy of that love, but the question still remains. Why specifically us?

He explains that Chazal (Chulin 89a) tell us, “Not because you are more in number than any other people did Hashem desire you and choose you...” But the reason why Hashem desires Bnei Yisroel more than any other nation in the world is because even when the Almighty elevates us to great heights, and even when the Jewish people control the world economy and have all nations subjugated under them - as in the times of Shlomo HaMelech - nevertheless, Klal Yisroel remains subservient to Hashem. They accredit their success to Him. They thank Him for their good fortune. And they create a Kiddush Hashem by showing the world what happens to a nation who follows in the ways of Hashem.

Says the Michtav Sofer, this elevation and affection that the Almighty has comes with a heavy responsibility for the Jewish people - for we represent the very image of Hashem on this world. All the nations of the world see Hashem through us and we must act accordingly. Due to the fact that we try to behave correspondingly, Hashem showers us with His love and helps us achieve success.

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