תמים תהיה עם ה' אלהיך ... (יח-יג)
MASHAL: During the time when R’ Yehoshua Leib Diskin zt”l, (Maharil Diskin), was the Rav of Brisk, there was an unfortunate bout of Chillul Shabbos proliferating in the city. The residents of the city went out one Shabbos night to hold a large hafganah, a rally of protest. However, since their hafganah had not been approved by the authorities, the police quickly moved in and dissipated the crowd, arrested the leader, and brought him to the precinct.
The leader of the hafganah was led to a dark, enclosed room, and he sat there on Shabbos with no wine, challah, or any part of his regular Shabbos meal. Not only that, but his thoughts were soured from worrying about what charges and punishments he would face in court.
But his sorrow didn’t last too long. After a number of hours, the door to his prison cell opened, and the Rav of the city, the holy Maharil Diskin himself, walked into the cell where he sat down and remained with the prisoner. The man later recounted, that from that moment on, his sadness disappeared. It was worth staying in the dark empty cell without any Shabbos delicacies just to be able to spend one Shabbos in the presence of the great and holy Rov.
NIMSHAL: We are all faced with challenges in our lives at one point or another. Sometimes it feels like a black darkness engulfs us with nowhere to turn and no one to aid. But when a person regards the posuk “Be wholehearted with Hashem your G-d” as it ought to be, with genuine faith and sincerity, he will quickly realize that Hashem is indeed with him - during the good times and especially during the not such good times. There is nothing more comforting than knowing with certainty that Hashem is at your side!