R’ Boruch Dov (Berel) Povarsky shlita (Rosh Yeshivah of Ponovezh) would say:
"The Pasuk says: 'וילך ויפגשהו בהר האלהים וישק לו' - The Seforno mentions that when Moshe met Aharon in Mitzrayim and kissed him, this kiss is similar to when one kisses anything Kadosh. Why mention the kiss in this regard? Why couldn’t the kiss be one of love and brotherhood? Since they were meeting on Har HaElokim, it had the status of a Beis HaKnesses and Aharon did not want to violate the Kedusha of the place. Thus, it must have been a kiss allowed in the place, of Devarim She’B’Kedusha.”
A Wise Man would say:
“We look forward to the time when the Love of Power will be replaced with the Power of Love. When that happens, perhaps our world will finally come to know the blessings of peace.”