Kashrus in the Kitchen (62). Foods Detrimental to Health
Food Left Under a Bed. Last week we discussed halachos of not leaving food or drink under a bed even if they are covered. This is very relevant to boys in Yeshivah, girls in seminary, and campers in camp. Often, they take containers of water and other types of drink and food that they will use over a long period of time. The dormitory and bunkhouse accommodations are often downsized leaving the residents with little room for their goods. When every space needs to be utilized, it is very tempting to leave food and drink under the bed. Even though some Poskim (1) rule that sealed items can be left under a bed [the Gemara (2) only prohibits covered not sealed], others disagree and it is best to be strict like their opinion. One should try hard to not leave any food or drink under the dorm or bunkhouse beds. If they were left under a bed, though, most Poskim hold that bedieved they may be used and one does not have to throw them out.
Other Dangerous Food Practices.
1) One who eats bread that is not fully baked is liable to have forgetfulness. (Horiyos 13b)
2) One who eats meat from a stirring spoon (3). lenient
3) One should not eat hot meat that is steaming (4).
4) One should not eat or drink something that is too hot (5).
5) Eating “a lot” of olives can make a person forget his learning. The Yavetz (6) says that only raw is a problem, but not cooked, pickled or salted. The Meiri says that they are all problematic.
R’ Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld zt”l brings (7) a custom of old Yerushalayim to only eat olives that were dipped in olive oil, since Chazal teach us (Horiyos 13b) that olive oil can help one remember seventy years of his learning. The memory power of the olive oil will cancel out the damage caused by the olive. It is not clear from the Gemara what is defined as eating “a lot.” Some say once in thirty days, some say once in less than forty day (8).
Unhealthy Habits While Eating.
1) One should not talk while eating, whether chewing or swallowing, because it could lead to self-strangulation (9).
2) One should not eat or drink standing (10).
3) One should not over-eat (11).
(1) שו"ת התעוררות תשובה א:רכ (2) פסחים קיב. (3) הוריות יג:, ערוך השלחן או"ח ב:ו (4) צואת רבי אליעזר הגדול, כף החיים יו"ד קטז:קמב (5) כף החיים שם (6) שם (7) שו"ת שלמת חיים א:מא (תקא) (8) שמירת הגוף והנפש ל"ט (9) תענית ה: (01) גיטין עא. (11) מ"ב קע:כה