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Parshas Re'eh 5781

עניה סערה לא נחמה ... (ישעי' נד-יא)

     As the third of the seven Haftoros of Consolation, Yeshaya HaNavi exhorts Klal Yisroel to heed the words of the Torah and draw much needed comfort from its holy words. Nevertheless, Klal Yisroel felt tempestuous and refused to be consoled. But why, indeed, did they refuse the comfort?

R’ Yonason Eibeshutz zt”l (Ahavas Yonason) explains that following the Churban, the feeling in the air was one of sadness and despair. Klal Yisroel felt beaten and unworthy, and not only did they feel unclean and tainted with sin, but they felt as though their multitude of sins was so deep-rooted that they would never be cleansed of them – like a deep stain that stays embedded in cloth no matter how many times one washes it. Of course, this feeling was completely baseless and untrue since a sin – any sin – whether big or small, can surely be repented for and forgiven by Hashem. As such, Yeshaya sought to remind the nation that despite whatever they did in the past, all Hashem wants is sincere repentance and a solemn promise to correct one’s mistakes for the future.

Unfortunately, many people have bought into this school of thought and think that it is pointless to try and do something new and good since one’s previous failures would surely stymie his future growth. This is exceedingly far from the truth, and one should always remember that Hashem only cares about what lies deep inside a person’s heart and not about what is merely perceived by others.



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