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Parshas Noach 5785

Torah Tavlin

ואלה תולדת תרח תרח הוליד את אברם ... (יא-כז)

MASHAL:     The waiting room of the Beis Yisroel of Gur, R’ Yisroel Alter zt”l, was never lacking in action. There was always a constant hustle and bustle, all hours of the day and night, as many people waited for their chance to speak to the Rebbe and benefit from his wisdom. Some needed sagely advice, some a listening ear, and some didn’t know what they needed until they received it from the saintly Rebbe.

Once, a grandson of a prominent Chassidishe Rebbe was waiting for his turn to speak to the Beis Yisroel. After waiting for quite some time, he approached the renowned gabbai, Reb Chaninah Schiff z”l, and whispered, “When you bring me into the Rebbe, tell him who my grandfather is.”

The gabbai replied, “It isn’t our custom to do so.”

But the young man insisted. He nudged and nudged the gabbai numerous times so that when he was finally accompanied into the inner sanctum of the Beis Yisroel, the gabbai hurriedly blurted out, “He wants the Rebbe to know that he is a grandson of a certain tzaddik.”

The Beis Yisroel stopped what he was doing and looked up in surprise, “I should know? He should know!”

NIMSHAL:     Every Jew has greatness in him. He should know where he comes from and stand up for his heritage. This is a key to his personal growth. The same is true regarding our inner greatness. We should all know our yichus. The Torah states: “These are descendants of Terach, Terach gave birth to Avraham.” In this way, we are taught where “it all began,” with the great Avraham Avinu. We should know that we are descendants of the holy Avos. This awareness should fill our hearts with pride and joy and be a catalyst for us to reach greater heights, just as our forefathers led their virtuous lives

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