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Torah Tavlin

Parshas Nitzavim - Vayeilech 5784

ושבת עד ה' אלקיך ושמעת בקלו ... (ל-ב)

MASHAL:     World renowned speaker, Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro relates the following incident: A man was irreligious for a great chunk of his life but became freshly observant in more recent times. In doing so, he cut contact with most of his friends and family. He tried to keep his spirits high and for the most part succeeded but driving down an empty parkway late one night made him feel lonely and very dejected.

With no one to call to divert his mind or cheer him up, he turned to Hashem. He cried out to Hashem, asking Him for a sign that what he was doing was the right thing and that he should continue on. No more than a few moments passed when all of the sudden, a large eighteen-wheel truck passed him on the side, displaying in big neon-green letters “G-O-D” on the front hood. He was shocked! Only moments had passed and Hashem quite clearly communicated with him in the most startling way. His mind was put to ease and his commitment to religion was strengthened.

P.S. This truck was actually part of the many “Guaranteed Overnight Delivery” vehicles that are often found on the many highways across the U.S. To save energy, they illuminate only their company’s initials! Hashem has His ways!

NIMSHAL:     Hashem yearns for a connection with all of His children. While some people may receive “feedback,” the great majority of us probably don’t. Nonetheless, we are told many times in the Torah how Hashem yearns for nothing more than for His children to stay close and connected. Especially now with the approach of the great Day of Judgment, there’s no better time to strengthen our connection and commitment to Him. And when we do our part, He will surely shower us with success and prosperity for all our years to come.

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