כי המצוה הזאת ... לא בשמים הוא לאמר מי יעלה לנו השמימה ויקחה לנו ... (ל-יא,יב)
There are two ways a person can live his life. He can either live according to nature or he can live ABOVE nature. R’ Eliyahu Dessler zt”l explains that if a person lives ABOVE nature, raising himself above his own natural inclinations, then Hashem will act with him accordingly. Hashem will take him "למעלה מן הטבע" - and his life will be elevated in every way.
R’ Ezriel Tauber zt”l says that there are 3 kinds of Jews: BT= Baal Teshuvah, FFB= Frum from birth and FFH= Frum from habit! This last category is describing so many people who really are frum, but are missing the point because they don’t have a real relationship with Hashem. We say in davening: "תשובה תפילה וצדקה מעבירין את רוע הגזירה" - “Repentance, Prayer and Charity removes an evil decree.” These three “gifts” can actually turn our lives around! How so? Because all 3 are “above nature!” Each one causes a person to leave his “comfort zone” (otherwise known as HABIT) and elevates him to a place of closeness to Hashem! TESHUVAH is returning to Hashem! It is the act of fixing what you did for your own pleasure or honor. It means going against your nature to do the will of Hashem. TEFILLAH is something that takes us to a different level. Naturally, a person wants to be in control, but when he prays to Hashem, he goes against his natural mentality and relinquishes his control. TZEDAKAH means charity, but it also refers to any act of kindness and righteousness. When a person gives up his money, his time, his honor or anything else that belongs to HIM for someone else, he is truly going “L’maala min hateva!”
This is why we say these words on the Day of Judgment! This is what we must do to remove ourselves from the danger of HABIT! If we raise ourselves up and go against our nature through teshuva, tefilla and tzedaka, Hashem will lift us up measure for measure to the great and lofty place of “Ani Ledodi V’dodi Li” - a loving relationship with Hashem! After all, isn’t that our goal?