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Torah Tavlin

Parshas Mikeitz (Chanukah) 5785

מסרת גבורים ביד חלשים ורבים ביד מעטים וטמאים ביד טהורים ... (על הניסים)

   It is interesting that the root of the word "שמן" - “oil” is the same as the word "שמונה" - “eight.” Is it a coincidence, then, that we celebrate eight days of Chanukah due to the little oil that lasted eight days? Of course not! The number 8 has a much greater significance. It is considered "למעלה מן הטבע" - higher than the normal physical world, supernatural if you will. Seven symbolizes nature - the world was created in 7 days; Eight is greater, more spiritual, elevated above nature.

A baby boy receives his Bris on the eighth day because he becomes more than a typical physical human, he becomes a holy and lofty Jew! The פך שמן was much more than a simple container of oil. It was a container of hope, a tiny spark of Kedusha, meant to reignite the pure spirituality of Klal Yisroel, in order to overcome the dark, impure and defiled world that the Greeks imposed. When the Jews found one little container of pure oil, they saw that there was still hope for Ruchnius, for Kedusha. But when the oil lasted for eight full days, they heard the message loud and clear: Even with one tiny spark of Kedusha, Yiddishkeit will thrive! All one needs is a spark to rebuild and replace all that was lost!

In “Al Hanissim” we say: "רבים ביד מעטים" - “The many (given into) the hands of the few.” The “many” refers to the mentality of Greece. More and more materialism, non-stop pleasure, a life full of endless amusement and immorality. On Chanukah, this was conquered by the “few”; the Torah mentality of being "מסתפק במועט" - “Satisfied with less.” We, too, must focus less on our Gashmius, and more on our Neshamos, our Ruchnius - on becoming “heiligen” spiritual Jews!

Hashem is educating us through the miracles of Chanukah to seek Him out and find yeshuah and hatzlacha - salvation and success - even when they are hidden from view; in the sun, the sky, the trees - every “natural” occurrence. Chanukah stands for "חנוך ה'" - the education of the recognition of Hashem as the only One to Whom it is justified Lehodos u’lehallel.

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