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Torah Tavlin

Parshas Ki Seitzei 5784

ברגע קטן עזבתיך וברחמים גדולים אקבצך ... (ישעי' נד-ז)

     In a continued effort to comfort Klal Yisroel over the Churban Bais HaMikdash, Hashem says, “I have abandoned you for a brief moment.” The Medrash Rabba (36:6) tells us that the preposition "ב" from the word "ברגע" is superfluous, since "רגע" is used here as a noun, and the word without the preposition would likewise express the same duration of time. As such, why does Yeshaya HaNavi add the extra letter?

R’ Shlomo HaKohen Rabinowitz zt”l, the Radomsker Rebbe (Tiferes Shlomo) explains that the extra "ב" is similar to the extra "ב" used in the word בראשית where Rashi teaches us, "בראשית, בשביל ישראל שנקראו ראשית" - that small seemingly insignificant, superfluous letter is the basis for Klal Yisroel’s existence, and by extension, the fundamental foundation of the world! Truly an incredible thing!

Says the Radomsker, this brings to light the frightening understanding that due to a person’s fleeting and momentary transgression, Hashem’s anger could flare up - as we say in Tehillim, "כי רגע באפו" - “Hashem gets angry in a moment.” However, the comfort is that because Hashem understands that a Jew’s sins are but only fleeting, and deep down the desire to serve the Almighty properly is entrenched, His anger is as well momentary. Yeshaya HaNavi explains that although Hashem abandons Klal Yisroel for that sinful moment, “With tremendous mercy I will bring you back” - Hashem will use the next moment after the anger to bring about a massive wave of mercy and to gather in His beloved children.

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