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Parshas Eikev 5779

R’ Shaul Yedidya Taub zt”l (Admor of Modzhitz) would say: “'לא תוכל כלתם מהר פן תרבה עליך חית השדה' - Rashi asks, if Klal Yisroel will follow the ways of Hashem, they will have no need to fear the animals; if so why is this posuk even necessary? He answers that it was revealed to Moshe Rabbeinu that in the future, they will sin. Another interpretation is that the posuk is warning us not to become like wild animals ourselves. 'פן תרבה עליך' - lest it increases within you, 'חית השדה' - cruelty and callousness, and you act like animals.”

R’ Moshe Sternbuch shlit’a (Taam V’Daas) would say: “'את ה' אלקיך תירא אתו תעבד' - The Rambam (ספר המצות ה') learns the mitzvah of Tefillah from here: ‘The Lord G-d you shall fear and Him you shall serve.’ What constitutes service of the heart? Tefillah. Furthermore, the Rambam says that the word ‘and’ comes to connect the fear of G-d to prayer, teaching that one must pray out of a fear of G-d. R’ Chaim Brisker zt”l infers from the Rambam that if a person is preoccupied while he prays and is unaware that he is standing before the King, he has not fulfilled his obligation at all and it would have been better if he did not pray. Similarly, I heard in the name of R’ Mordechai Pogremanski zt”l that if one cannot have this minimum kavana it is better to not pray at all.”

A Wise Man would say: “Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.”


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