והיה אם שמע תשמעו אל מצותי אשר אנכי מצוה אתכם ... (יא-יג)
MASHAL: Once, after R’ Chaim Pinchos Scheinberg zt”l, Rosh Yeshivah of Torah Ohr, returned from one of his numerous trips abroad, he was asked, “How was the trip?”
The Rosh Yeshivah smiled deeply and responded, “This time it was an excellent flight! It was comfortable and without any interruptions!”
When asked why this flight turned out to be better than usual, R’ Scheinberg replied that as he boarded the plane, he was told that there was no seat available in the movie -free section. The airline apologized to the rabbi but at the moment, there was nothing for them to do.
In the end, R’ Scheinberg had no choice but to sit in a place he had not planned on. Suddenly, the video system in that section broke down. Nobody’s system was working. A technician was called but hard as he tried, he could not get the system to work. All those seated in that section were upset and went to look for other seats, leaving the Rosh Yeshivah to enjoy a quiet seating area, without any passengers (or movies) around him to disturb him.
NIMSHAL: The Gemara (Yoma 39a) states: “If a person will sanctify himself down in this world, he is sanctified from Above.” In this vein, Rabbeinu Bechaye explains that the reason the words "שמר תשמרון" are repeated later in the Torah is to tell us that the merit of the commandments which we fulfill will protect us - in other words, the Torah itself will protect us against our enemies and evil actions.
This is also the reason why this paragraph commences with the repeated words, "והיה אם שמע תשמעו". The lesson is that if you will listen to Hashem’s instructions and follow in His ways, He in turn will listen to your prayers. The more a person will make himself holy by following the Torah and mitzvos, the more Heaven will add holiness onto him. On the other hand, the reverse is also true in the event that we do not listen to Hashem’s instructions, G-d forbid.