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Parshas Eikev 5777

ואהבך וברכך והרבך וברך פרי בטנך ופרי אדמתך דגנך ותירשך ויצהרך ... (ז-יג)

     R’ Shimshon Pincus zt”l describes our generation as a child who begs his parents for a new bike. His parents tell him that one doesn’t just get a new bike. You have to learn well, behave well, and if you earn it, we will get you a new bike. The child is quite dismayed but he realizes that this is non-negotiable. His parents are just not going to buy him a new bike. A few days later this child is involved in a terrible car accident. He is lucky to be alive and after being rushed to the hospital and a series of operations, he finally comes home. As he walks into his house, what is the first thing he sees as he opens the door? A brand new bike! Even nicer than the one he wanted. He was so excited and his parents were overjoyed that they could make him happy. What happened? Didn’t he have to earn his new bike? Why did he get it for nothing? Because he just went through such a painful experience and his parents wanted to make him happy, to show him how much they loved him.

Our generation today, explains R’ Pincus, is similar to this. The Jewish people recently went through such a difficult and painful time called the Holocaust. We suffered so terribly that now Hashem is showering us with so much bounty, so much goodness and plenty in order to comfort us, and show us how much He loves us. There has never been a time of so much materialism - so much food, so much clothing, so much leisure and comfort. Why is Hashem showering us with so much comfort? Because He wants to show us how much He loves us. He wants us to know how much He cares about us. These are the kisses and hugs from Hashem to help us get through this seemingly never-ending golus.



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