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Parshas Eikev 5769

R’ Meir Don Plotzky ZT”L (Kli Chemdah) would say:

“The Torah exhorts us: 'ושמרתם ועשיתם אתם' - ‘You shall safeguard and perform them (mitzvos)’ and in return, 'ואהבך וברכך והרבך' - ‘(Hashem) will love you, bless you, and make you multiply.’ Why is the advice to observe the mitzvos written in plural form, whereas the promise of reward is singular? Because not everyone observes the mitzvos equally, with the same will, aspiration, intention, or for the same objective. Some people give it their entire heart while others have ulterior motives. Therefore, not everyone deserves the exact same reward. Everyone does mitzvos, but each individual observing the mitzvah must be reckoned with separately.”

R’ Chaim Mordechai Katz ZT”L (Telsher Rosh Yeshivah) would say:

“It is hard to find young men today who dream of ‘Greatness in Torah.’ In European yeshivos, there was a keen competition in the study of Torah. Everyone wanted to be great. But today, there is no competition, no jealousy, no aspiration to achieve greatness. There are precious few who are at all ashamed of their ignorance in Torah!”

A Wise Man would say:

“Every human being creates joy. Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.”



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