ואתפש בשני הלחות ואשליכם מעל שתי ידי ואשברם לעיניכם וגו' (ט-יז)
MASHAL: Once there was a great artist who decided he was going to paint his greatest masterpiece. He journeyed with a companion up a mountain and began painting an exquisite landscape. After several days, the painting was complete.
He then began to view his work from different angles to see what improvements could be made. He started walking backwards, admiring his work. He continued to pace from side to side, focusing only on his work, until eventually he came within a few feet of the edge of the mountain cliff.
His companion realized the danger he was in and called to him to stop moving, but he paid no notice. When he was only seconds away from falling off the cliff and certain death, his friend shouted to him to stop, but again the artist was too engrossed in his work to pay attention. Finally, the friend picked up a knife and ran to the picture and slashed it, destroying the masterpiece in one fell swoop.
“What are you doing?” the artist cried out, in disbelief.
“Look behind you and you’ll see why I did it,” replied his friend. When the artist looked behind him, he realized that destroying his work was the only way his life was spared.
NIMSHAL: Hashem told Moshe that the Jewish People were sinning with the Golden Calf and that He was prepared to destroy them immediately. Moshe recognized the need for drastic action and without a second thought, he threw down the Luchos and halted the outrage. It was just what was needed to bring the nation back from the brink!