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Torah Tavlin

Parshas Devarim (Shabbos Chazon) 5784

איכה אשא לבדי טרחכם ומשאכם וריבכם ... (א-יב)

MASHAL: There was once a period of time when many tragedies happened. Every few days another “incident” occurred. Either a young child or young person lost their life in the most unexpected manner and people began panicking. Like all good Jews have done in past generations, people turned to their Torah leaders for light and guidance. R’ Yaakov Kamenetsky zt”l responded with the following:

Chazal (Vayikra Raba 33,3) tell us that when there is a bucket full of sins and we don’t know which particular sin is causing current events issues, “the sin of גזל - theft, jumps to the top.” What this means is that when people go about their daily life and business without being wholly honest in their dealings, they will end up with things that aren’t rightfully theirs. By all sense of the word, this constitutes theft, and it doesn’t make a difference whether a person meant to do it or even knew about it. The sin of stealing is on his conscious.

This is such a widespread and serious issue, that when in doubt, we can assume this is the cause of our difficult times!

NIMSHAL: Moshe Rabbeinu said, "איכה אשא לבדי" - “How can I carry alone your burden...” Rashi explains that when people saw they were losing a court case in front of Moshe, they would burden him by bringing new proofs and witnesses that they had just “recently” discovered. This, they hoped, would drag the case on, and somehow turn the case in their favor. This is an example of dishonesty and ultimately theft.

Chazal say it was this same "איכה" that ultimately brought about the destruction of the Bais HaMikdash, as we read on Tisha B’av "איכה ישבה בדד". If we can rectify this sin, the ultimate redemption will be very soon forthcoming!

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