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Torah Tavlin

Parshas Devarim (Shabbos Chazon) 5784

שמעו שמים ... כי ה' דבר בנים גדלתי ורוממתי והם פשעו בי ... (ישעי' א-ב)

Yeshaya HaNavi’s prophecy, while it was uttered concerning Malchus Yehuda and the holy city of Yerushalayim, was by extension about all of Klal Yisroel. In it he exclaimed:“For Hashem has spoken, I reared children and brought them up, and they have rebelled against Me!” What indeed does the Navi mean by exclaiming that “Hashem has reared and brought up” Klal Yisroel?

R’ Leib Chasman zt”l (Ohr Yahel) remarks that Yeshaya HaNavi spoke of Hashem’s enduring love for his children and how despite Klal Yisroel’s tendency to falter now and then in their steadfastness to the Almighty, Hashem always cherishes us as His children. It is this notion, and these very words of Yeshaya HaNavi, of "בנים גידלתי ורוממתי" which reveals how incredibly deep Hashem’s affection for us runs.

Amazingly, until this statement was uttered, it was impossible for anyone to understand the relationship between Hashem and the Jewish people, and in fact, even prior to Klal Yisroel’s existence as a nation, the ministering angels wondered where Hashem would channel His Fatherly affection. They hoped that Hashem would treat them as His children and for a while it did indeed seem to be the case. However, once Yeshaya HaNavi exclaimed that Hashem regarded us as His children, it became quite clear that only Klal Yisroel enjoyed such a close bond with the Almighty.

May we merit to feel Hashem’s love once again with the coming of Moshiach speedily and in our days.

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